Vespers and Matins of the Protection of the Theotokos

Adrian Sîrbu, Byzantion


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Adrian Sîrbu, Byzantion



Rok wydania


Album zawiera dwie płyty CD Chór Byzantion, założony w 1997 roku, obecnie działa w Iasi w Rumunii, z błogosławieństwem Jego Eminencji Teofana, Metropolity Mołdawii i Bukowiny oraz pod auspicjami Uniwersytetu Artystycznego „George Enescu” Iasi. Obecnym kierownikiem Chóru Byzantion jest Adrian Sîrbu. Nieszpory i Jutrznia na święto Opieki Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy (Pokrowa). Pokrowa to także rodzaj ikony Matki Boskiej jako orędowniczki, pośredniczki i opiekunki ludzkości. Spis utworów: Vespers of the Protection of the Theotokos (CD 1)

  1. Blessing
  2. Psalm 103 (fragment), Plagal of 4th mode, by Georgios Paraschiadis
  3. Great Litany, Plagal of 4th mode
  4. Lord I cry onto Thee, 1st mode, by Th. Stupcanu
  5. Sticheron O great Protector, 1st mode, by Schemamonk Nectaire
  6. Sticheron O Marvelous Beauty, 1st mode, by Schemamonk Nectaire
  7. Stichera Heaven and Earth are sanctified, Plagal of 3rd mode, by Schemamonk Nectaire
  8. Doxastikon All the Mistical Hosts rejoice with us, Plagal of 4th mode, by Hierodeacon Ioan
  9. O, Gladsome Light, Plagal of 1st mode, by Sebastian Barbu-Bucur
  10. Great Prokeimenon Who is so Great as Our God, Plagal of 3rd mode, by Filotei Morosanu
  11. Vouchsafe, O Lord
  12. Litany of Supplication
  13. Stichera from the Aposticha Let us sing, o people, Plagal 1st mode, by Hierodeacon Ioan
  14. Stichera from the Aposticha Thou art a Great Mount, Plagal of 3rd mode, by Hierodeacon Ioan
  15. Lord, now wettest thou thy servant depart in peace
  16. Dismissal
 Matins of the Protection of the Theotokos (CD 2)
  1. The kondakion Today the Virgin, 3rd mode, by Skemamok Nectarie
  2. Great Litany, Plagal of 4th mode
  3. Sessional Hymn The Divine Radiance, 3rd mode, by Shemamonk Nectarios
  4. Sessional Hymn Strength of Those Who Are Weak, 3rd mode, by Skemamok Nectarie
  5. Good Word, Plagal of 1st mode, by Memnon Glavan
  6. Doxastikon O Lady, Accept the Prayers, Plagal of 4th mode, by Th. Fokaefs
  7. Magnification, 1st mode, by Dimitrie Suceveanu
  8. Let every thing that hath breath, Plagal of 4th mode, by Iakobos Protopsaltes
  9. Apolytikion of the Protection of the Theotokos, 4th mode
  10. The kontakion O Victorious Leader, Plagal of 4th mode, by Ioan Zmeu

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